Our Mission

It is the mission of the Las Vegas Alliance for Religious Freedom and Human Dignity to help secure the unalienable right of freedom of religion and/or belief with human dignity for all people by:

  • Bringing people of faith, business, politics, and general interest together to jointly promote and defend religious freedom/belief and human dignity in the greater Las Vegas area.

  • Encouraging interfaith alliances through gatherings, meetings, and joint cooperation across religious/belief groups while remaining strictly non-partisan and non-denominational.

  • Facilitating and sponsoring cordial and mutually supportive symposiums to educate and inspire attendees as they strive to foster productive and respectful dialogue in planning and executing individual or group efforts for the common good in the greater Las Vegas area.

  • Promoting civil discourse, with respect and without discord, amongst those with differing views and opinions to reach common ground and viable solutions.